Thursday, May 10, 2012

Shall We Now Praise This Infamous Man?

Some outfit e-mailed me yesterday urging me to thank President Obama for his courageous act, endorsing the right of gay people to marry.

I declined.  I have thought for quite some time that one thing Dr. Kidglove would never be accused of was courage.  I still think that.

I also think that people whose sexual orientation is different from mine have all of the same rights that I have, including the right to marry the person of their choice. Just because the President finally came around to acknowledging what seems like a pretty clear-cut constitutional position -- the guy used to teach law, for Pete's sake! -- I refuse to turn cartwheels or jump with joy.

Next issue, please.

What about our prolonged, agonizing, illegal, immoral and fruitless wars, Mr. Nobel Peace Laureate?

What about the hundred million, more or less, Americans still without jobs and increasingly without hope of ever finding employment, Mr. Social Justice Guy?

What about the greedy, unregulated bankers and financiers who caused the worst recession in three-quarters of a century and have rewarded themselves with billions in bloated salaries and bonuses, Mr. Kiss the Republican Asses in Congress?

What about the millions of Americans still without adequate health care, Mr. Cave In to Insurers and Pharmaceutical Manufacturers?

What about the ongoing failures of our educational system, Mr. Vouchers Are OK?

What about the old fashioned Jeffersonian notion of the separation of church and state, Mr. Faith-Based Scams?

What about the First Amendment -- free speech, peaceable assembly -- Mr. Police Crackdown on Occupy?

What about the Fourth Amendment -- probable cause -- Mr. Arrest Without Warrant and Detain Forever? And unreasonable search and seizure, Mr. Build a Spy Castle in Utah ?

What about the Fifth Amendment -- due process -- Mr. Kill by Executive Order?

What about the Sixth Amendment, Mr. Detain Forever and Stage Military Kangaroo Trials?

What about the Eighth Amendment, Mr. Rendition and Torture?

What about campaign promises of open government, Mr. Secrecy and Official Lies?

What about fear-mongering, Mr. Inheritor of the Cloak of FDR, who said "the only thing we have to fear is fear itself"?

Thank him?

Thanks for nothing, Dr. Kidglove, our very own Cowardly Lion.