Saturday, October 3, 2009

When Will They Ever Learn?

Despite countless burnings by the lies of Bush administration officials, mainstream journalists still haven't learned to be skeptical of what they're told by government insiders.

The latest case in point is the so-called "secret" nuclear site being built by Iran.  Even usually reliable media sources, such as McClatchey newspapers' Washington bureau,
reported without question or qualification the Obama administration's assertion that the facility was "discovered" by western intelligence agents and "revealed" by President Obama on Sept. 25.

The fact is that Iran disclosed its building plans to the International Atomic Energy Agency on Sept. 21.  According to Marc Vidricaire of the IAEA:
          “I can confirm that on 21 September Iran informed the IAEA in a letter that a new pilot fuel enrichment plant is under construction in the country.”
         “In response, the IAEA has requested Iran to provide specific information and access to the facility as soon as possible." (Update: The head of IAEA is en route to Iran to schedule the requested inspection.)      
           “The Agency also understands from Iran that no nuclear material has been introduced into the facility.”

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran said, "The U.S. president made a big and historic mistake."
That he did.  And he seems intent on making a bigger and more historic one: the illegal invasion of or attack upon a sovereign state.

Remember the WMDs that weren't there?  The yellow cake that was neither yellow nor cake?  The aluminum tubes that were only good for the passage of hot air?  The al Qaeda meeting that didn't happen?

Get ready for Iraq II.  Operation Iraqi Freedom needs only to change one letter to become a noose around Obama's neck.

When will they ever learn?